Collection: BZZWAX

Based in - London, United Kingdom
Founded by Brazilian-born husband and wife duo Felipe Gardelli and Luma Fachini, BZZWAX is a London-based brand that prides itself on making candles with ingredients that come straight from mother nature. Using organic beeswax sourced by beekeepers, they support apiaries and urban pollination to keep our planet healthy.
Their beeswax is organic and supplied by beekeepers, making sure their candles are free from paraffin and other toxic additives commonly used on imported beeswax. If you have purchased a "pure" beeswax candle, there's a high chance that it's made from adulterated beeswax. Always choose locally sourced beeswax.
1% of BZZWAX's gross sales is donated to Bumblebee Conservation Trust, an organisation in the UK that makes efforts to monitor and conserve bumblebees and their habitat.